Thursday, April 17, 2008

More in Dell Ink- I guess Staples has it.

For some reason I know a lot of people with Dell printers ( that they bought with their Dell PCs) and they have always had a hard time finding ink at a good price. Well, that's if they can find their ink cartridge AT ALL.

We wrote before about buying ink cartridges on ebay to save money and how you can get Dell ink refilled at Walgreens.

Apparently having Dell ink jet cartridges is a big enough deal to specifically advertise you have ink "'even for Dell." I just saw a Staples commercial. They say they guarantee to have your ink in stock even if it's Dell.

Now, you probably won't save any money at Staples, but it's probably more convenient than ordering from Dell if you want a regular cartridge.


The Bad Guy said...

Wow, finally someone jumped on this. For 3 years now, Dell ink has been impossible to get unless you have it delivered from Dell....I guess after i get my cartridge refilled at Walgreens and it eventually wears out, I'll get new ones from Staples...great info. to know.

DELL-Jimmy_P said...

My namy is Jimmy, I'm the Peripherals Liaison for Dell. Yes you can now buy our ink from Staples. Thanks for helping out our customers by posting this info.